Odette, a voice of solid gold and a musical DNA that is as rich as her first album, published by Universal. A future great soul diva, in Switzerland for the first time.

She uses music to dissect her emotions as a young adult. Born in the UK, Odette amazes with her vocal prowess, which is rare for such a young artist. She inherited her love of soul and funk from her South-African mother, while her father, a British jazz pianist, brought her up on New Wave. And as if that wasn’t enough, Odette drinks literature with a straw, falling in love with words which she weaves with talent between soul melodies and hip-hop beats. Produced by Charlie Hugall (Florence and the Machine, Kaiser Chiefs) among others, her first album “To A Stranger” is a gem of cosy soul and striking precocity. Although she fills concert halls in Australia, this will be her first time in Switzerland. Odette, who mentions Joanna Newsome when she is asked about her influences, is undoubtedly at the beginning of a great career. You’ll be able to say you discovered her at Antigel!